Ice cream for the HORECA sector, 5L
When we launched ice cream in the new 8L containers in the then slow market, we knew that we were about to change everything and that nothing will ever be the same. However, it was time to switch up the game again, and do something entirely different. This was significantly harder, because all the other manufacturers had, inspired by our example, launched their own versions of ice cream in the 8L containers, which is why we brought our products to perfection. There was nothing left to do in order to improve them any further anymore. It was time for something entirely different. At international exhibitions we found something new. Wide packages of ice cream with a thicker layer of chocolate or sauce which were introduced as PREMIUM products for small-scale confectioners. We loved this idea, but we were not able to put this type of product on the market because, since the process of its manufacturing is very complicated and time consuming, it was meant for small-scale production. It was only a matter of time before such products would appear on the Croatian market, offered by small-scale confectioners that have become our biggest competitor. We realized that we had to do something, so we set off on a project of designing innovative solutions which would have had to be made especially for us so that we could adjust and optimize our production process. With the help of funds from the EU and the Croatian agency HAMAG-BICRO, we managed to secure some new technologies. We were the first to place a 5L tub of ice cream intended for use in the HORECA sector on the GLOBALmarket.
We manufactured 5L tubs of ice cream intended for use in the HORECA sector in disposable plastic tubs which are inserted into the 360x250xV80 inox tubs, or, in other words the standard wide tubs most often used today. We did not want to compromise on quality of some flavours; we wanted that each flavour has its own worth. We got the best ice cream bases available on the market, and we created products of those bases that no other manufacturer did not even dream of using. However, the price of bases exceeded the sale price of other ice creams. We were also apprehensive because the price had to be higher than it usually is, but the main idea was to create a product that would not cater to every customer. We had the 5L tubs of ice cream in mind for associates who wanted to have only the best products in their offer, no matter the price. The sale of these tubs has been increasing steadily, and in 2019 they became our best-selling product. That is why, in 2020, we decided to implement this approach of manufacturing the 5L tubs with only the best bases into the production of the 8L tubs too.
The 5L tubs of ice cream are still to this day a unique product on the GLOBAL market, and the fact that we have requests from all over the world during the summer, and we export them into five different countries, stands as a testimony to this.